no pants [click to enlarge] no josh [click to enlarge] the monkey face [click to enlarge] a notebook [click to enlarge] Chris sitting on the grass [click to enlarge] Mike drinking coffee [click to enlarge] broken callbox [click to enlarge] working callbox [click to enlarge] salsa dipping [click to enlarge] vodka and C++ [click to enlarge] an ice covered bush [click to enlarge] Mr. Maker [click to enlarge] hey there [click to enlarge] the sun [click to enlarge] a man wearing a bow tie [click to enlarge] a mountain dew bottle [click to enlarge] a demolished fraternity [click to enlarge] a cardboard Italian flag [click to enlarge] candy wrappers [click to enlarge] a german flag made of candy wrappers [click to enlarge] a candy wrapper house [click to enlarge] Davis Hall [click to enlarge] trees and blue sky looking upward [click to enlarge] Roosevelt Hall [click to enlarge] view from Roosevelt Hall [click to enlarge] a picket fence [click to enlarge] a stop sign [click to enlarge] stop college [click to enlarge] the sunset at URI [click to enlarge]

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